How To Maintain Your Pool
We’re going to give some top tips on how to take better care of your pool. Owning a pool is a two-sided coin. There’s the fun of chillaxing and having fun family time, and then there’s the side where everyone’s pointing fingers about who’s turn it is to skim. Maintaining a pool is a necessary part of pool ownership, so it’s best to get acquainted with the right way to go about it.
You’ll want to set up a weekly cleaning system that’ll eventually become second nature. You’ll soon be able to get those chores done in an especially speedy time frame, much to the appreciation of your swim-happy family. Especially if you do have a family swimming along, you’ll want to always have a cool, clean, safe and refreshing place for them to splash.
Clean Up Debris

First you’ll need to skim the surface of the pool and empty the skimmer basket. This should only take a few minutes. Wait… you thought that was all there was to pool maintenance? We obviously have a lot to talk about! When you do the skimming, make sure to dispose of the debris away from the pool so it doesn’t blow back in. If you deal with an excessive amount of skimmings, your landscape may be to blame. You might need to cut and skim back on nearby blossom, pollen and leaf shedders. Consider installing a larger hardscaping area around your pool as well.
Vacuum Time!

If your pool has nozzles and ripples, turn them downward so you can see the bottom of the pool clearly. Using the vacuum and hose, use one of the jet nozzles to fill the free end of the hose until water pours out of the vacuum side. When it’s full, cover the hose with your hand and then connect it to the skimmer. Now it’s time to vacuum! This process takes about a half hour on average. Move the vacuum like you’re mowing a lawn, in parallel lines. If you have a large pool, opt for vacuuming it one half at a time. If your hose is floating, you may need to fix a hole in the line or empty the filter. Lastly, brush algae off of the pool sides. Use a stainless-steel brush for concrete.
Chemical Adjustment
Every week you should check the chemistry of your pool. Start by adjusting the pH values with either muriatic acid or soda ash. If the chlorine is under 1ppm or if the alkalinity is below 90ppm, shock the water with chlorine or alkalinity increaser that has been dissolved in a bucket of water.
Adjusting The Filter
You should also backwash the filter in order to clean it out. The pump filter will need to be cleaned too – be sure to turn the system off before doing so. This sounds like a lot of work for maintaining a pool in Phoenix, but if you stick to a regular schedule it’ll be easier to handle. Of course, you could always hire a professional to handle it instead.
114 W Adams St, Phoenix, AZ 85003